Saturday, September 1, 2007

My Virgin "List"

Am I Really "Listing"?...Well, here goes nothing

"Lemme explain 'The List' really briefly. I got the idea from a friend. Basically what you do is just go about listing random feelings, thoughts, emotions, ideas or whatever is on ur mind. Not really a rhyme or reason required. I encourage all that read this to try their own." (Teej)

1. I really love Anthony Hamilton's 1st CD
2. Was the dog really chained to his pain?
3. I wonder if those shoes that animation has on come in my size
4. That Lyfe Jennings CD is crazy....
5. It "must be nice"
6. I don't want to cry tonight
7. My breast are really big...
8. Where is Michelle N'Digeocello?
9. Would I like look good with short hair...ummmm!
10. Too close for comfort is really too damn close...
11. I want to be a Flight Attendant
12. I am addicted to this dagnabit computer!
13. I heard some really disturbing things about Mariah Carey
14. Can a person really screw a woman's walls out?
15. I'm at 15! this is addictive
16. What if God was a her...
17. I wish I could go to the wild...!
18. Babycakes is my girl...Dance like you mean it!
19. He called me last night to see what I was doing...
20. I told him..."sleeping, you ignorant B**t**d"
21. I miss my cable really badly
22. I think Johnny Depp is the finest White boy I have ever seen
23. I could sleep with him...
24. He would have to wear his "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" outfit though
25. All my friends are somewhat phony to me
26. But so am I....lmbo!
27. I'm a survivor! I'm gonna make it, I will survive and keep on surviving...what!
28. I hope he calls me soon...
29. But if he doesn't so what
30. Those steak sandwiches from Taurus' are so d**n good...ummm!
31. It's like crack on a bun!
32. Speaking of crack....Dave Chapelle is IGNORANT!
33. I sure hope he does a 3rd season soon...
34. I'm so sleepy right now....
35. I just picked my nose....
36. And cut my nose with my thumb nail...ouch!
37. Michelle from DC should never sing again...
38. Sorry is that criticism?
39. My eyes is that possible?
40. Her daddy was a hustle, so she loved them...
41. Common is so D**n fine!
42. I could sleep with him too
43. Broke people sure do beg alot don't they?
44. Thank you Ms. Ida...
45. Why does R. Kelly need five more episodes of "Trapped in the Closet?"
46. And he has alot of nerve being mad at his wife for cheating...
47. Didn't he just do the same thing? (Dumb A**)
48. Missy sure has lost alot of weight
49. I miss Nee-Nee(my kitty cat)
50. I'm falling asleep at this dang computer....Good night!

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