Saturday, December 22, 2007

Things u wonder while daydreaming...

Things you may wonder while daydreaming....

1. Sleep in the nude?
Sometimes depending on how hot it is.

2. Last 5 songs u want to hear before u die.
Never would have made it (Marvin Sapp)
Bruised but not broken (Joss Stone)
Imagine me (Kirk Franklin)
Encourage urself (Donald Lawrence)
L.O.V.E (Joss Stone)

3. Last 5 movies u want to see before u die.
Legends of the Fall, Brown Sugar, Five Heartbeats, Hitch, Disappearing

4. Last 5 things u'll eat before u die.
Pizza, wheat chex, chicken enchalilads, Friday's chicken and Shrimp
skillet, McDonalds Fish sandwich

4. Things that disturb u greatly.
Liars, Users, phony ppl, and tapping me on my body instead of simply
calling my name!

5. I always wonder....
....why I have such bad luck with men.

6. The Bible. The best 3 books in it, and why?
Esther, Proverbs and Isaiah. Esther becuz it speaks of one womans
courage and strength to do Gods will. Proverbs becuz it details a womans
charge in the kingdom of God. And Isaiah becuz....well just read Isaiah
and u will understand.

7. What makes u feel most loved?
When my lil nephew gives me a hug or kiss just becuz.

8. All the money in the world, what is ur profession?
Human Rights Activist in Africa and Aids Researcher

9. Favorite movie quote...
"Listen Ray, I'll teach u something once, show it to u twice...the third
time, u on ur own."

10. Favorite song line...
"And I'll be alright/and I'll love again/and my wounds will mend/I'm
bruised but not broken/and the pain will fade/I'll get back on my
feet/it's not the end of me/my heart is still open now/I'm bruised but
but not broken now."

11. Favorite Scripture...
I Corithians 13

12. 10 people who have made an impact on ur life.
My Mother, Jesus Christ, My Sister, Pastor Hardy, Marva, Traci, Tony,
Julian, Brenda W, and Tressa Mc

13. 10 people u most love.
Jesus Christ, My Mother, My Sister, Reggie, Jaylend, Linny, Tray,
Tressa, Tony, Debbie, Tiffany...well that's 11

14. Name 3 cars that u would buy right now if u had the money.
VW Beetle, Nissan Xterra, Fantom

15. 3 things that make u cry.
Past heartaches, the Spirit of the Lord and Xtreme Makeover Home

16. 3 things people would not believe about u.
I'm extremely shy, I'm way too sensitive and I sometimes laugh when
people fall or trip

17. Craziest thing u've ever done.
Got up in the middle of the night, went to walgreens, bought a card then
caught the bus to a guys house and put the card on his
windshield....that didn't go over as I had hoped.

18. 3 Ideas ur friends think ur retarded for coming up with.
The battery operated man, a time machine and the actual "African Booty
Scratcher" to get those hard to reach places...LMBO!

19. Who's in ur inner circle?
Kim, Linny, Millz and Tray

20. Are u pro or anti drug?
It depends. Are they banning 800 ml Ibuprophens?

21. 3 gadgets u simply can't live without.
My Sidekick3, My TV remote and my GPS

22. Nicest thing anyone has ever done for u.
When Pastor Macklin made me her sons Godmother.

23. 3 people u will spend a lifetime repaying.
Jesus Christ, My Mother and My Sister

24. 3 people who u can always count on for a laugh.
Reggie, Linny and Tray

25. Current book ur reading.
The Plural Thing visit

26. Dumb-est thing you heard this week.
The whole Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy scandal. I mean with a sister like
Brittany Spears and a Mother like the one she has...what did you think
would happen? DUH!!!!

27. 3 things u would do if u were not affraid.
Sky dive, Ride roller coasters and get something pierced other then my

28. Name 3 beauty secrets.
Drink lots of water, cleanse ur face before bed and moisturize daily

29. Name 3 guys/girls that after dating left their mark on ur heart.

30. Why did u even do this survey in the first place?
Becuz I'm fighting a cold and I can't sleep.
Until we read again,


Edirin said...

nice blog girl,have a brill xmas

Didi Roby said...

@adizzlegtk: Thanxz luv! Be Blessed

Devon said...

I love this one. Hope you won the fight against the cold...