Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The "Everything is Everything" List

1. Okay I know I left without saying goodbye, but don't you think that was best?

2. I enjoying being a Princess thank you very much!

3. Is Green the new Black?

4. And if so does anything go with it?

5. Linny needs a car bad Father, I pray that you bless her according to your will. In Jesus name, Amen!

6. I really didn't want to call him, I just thought I should be a woman of my word.

7. He never calls back anyway so what's the big deal...

8. I really truly enjoyed the DNC and Obama speech was on the money...

9. Now I need for him to make good on a few of those promises...

10. ...and speaking of NC's who the heck is that lady McCain chose as a running mate? I have never seen her in my life.

11. There were only 3 posts on her when I googled her...

12. I really love my life Ups and Downs and all.

13. How many can say that!

14. Did I turn the iron off...(bubble over my head)

15. why is my heart quacking right now?

16. Am I nervous? I can't be...

17. I think it's time for a new hairdo.

18. "Been working all day long/trying to get your hustle on/society has put the pressure on you/to make it hard for you to do what you do/hear to let you know/Your not alone/Baby/that's why I wrote this song, I wrote this song/to show you my appreciation for you. Shanice

19. I love that song!

20. I can't believe I have been blogging for 5 years now.

21. I could have written a book by now.

22. Hillsong United and Planet shakers are 2 of my favorite Praise and Worship artists.

23. ...it's okay to go cop those CD's people...

24. LMBO!!!!

25. Kim, Linny, Traci and Tressa...

26. That's my Core Crew.

27. Christian is just that....Christian

28. My Birthday is coming up soon.

29. I'll be 36!!!

30. ....and Fabulous!

31. I'm having a Bowling Extravaganza!

32. Ur Welcome to come (wink)

33. My Mother and I are getting along famously these days. Glory to God!

34. It was good to see SBC the other day...

35. I am scared to see the other one though...

36. Something might kick up...

37. Either I might smack him or kiss him...lol

38. Traci is right. Not all the time but she is right on this one thing.

39. I had fun at Chipotle guys! Thanks for coming to get me.

40. "Been working all day long/trying to get your hustle on/society has put the pressure on you/to make it hard for you to do what you do/hear to let you know/Your not alone/Baby/that's why I wrote this song, I wrote this song/to show you my appreciation for you. Shanice.....I love that song!


Don said...

8,9, 12, 13, Too funny @ number 21, I know you can't wait for numbers 28 and 29 and I share the same sentiments with number 33. This, after I pretty much went these past eight years without seeing her.

But she has been wonderful to me, so I have no ill will towards her.

Don said...

8,9, 12, 13, Too funny @ number 21, I know you can't wait for numbers 28 and 29 and I share the same sentiments with number 33. This, after I pretty much went these past eight years without seeing her.

But she has been wonderful to me, so I have no ill will towards her.

Didi Roby said...

28 and 29 is pretty much what I am living for these days Don!!! LOL

We only get one right, so lets make it count (@#33)