1. She is always lonely even when she is surrounded by friends and
2. She speaks but no one hears her
3. She used to be my hero...
4. She lies to cover up her lies
5. She just does that to make people feel sorry for her
6. She is not the woman I once knew
7. She yells all the time nowadays
8. She is losing her mind as far as I'm concerned
9. She is not taking care of business at all
10. She makes no sense at times
11. She always walks out when she is mad
12. She is hurting from her past
13. She is mad at her Mother for the way she treated her
14. She acts like nothing is wrong.
15. She is a works to hard
16. She is getting tired now
17. She is always upset about one thing or another
18. She talks about people behind their backs
19. She thinks they don't know about it
20. She lied to the government
21. She lied to the DMV man...he was cute by the way
22. She acts like a child sometimes
23. She can be a real brat
24. She is treating her children worst then her Mother treated her
25. She is mentally abusive
26. She complains too much
27. She is such a negative
28. She hurts others feelings
29. She is so ungrateful
30. She thinks she's hurting us
31. She will not let go of the past
32. She can't let go of the past
33. She needs to find the Lord
34. She is so money hungry
35. She is letting others run her life
36. She is alienating herself from her children, grandchildren and
37. She makes everything someones elses fault
38. She always thinks her way is right
39. She knows it all
40. She is a worrier
41. She is such a procrastinator
42. She's mad at the world
43. She thinks it owes her something
44. She has to have the last word
45. She's just as mean as she says (she) is
46. She acts like her Mother more then she is willing to admit
47. She brings up the past all the time
48. She has no control over her money
49. She has an addiction
50. She is my Mother.....and I love her.
Current mood: Sleepy/Hungry
Listening to: Deitrick Haddon
Desire Conference Form 07
Until we read again...
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